Brown adipose tissue thermogenesis, torpor, and obesity of glutamate-treated mice

Mice treated with glutamate in the neonatal period are known to develop into stunted obese adults, despite hypophagia. Our objective was to find out whether brown adipose tissue (BAT) thermogenic function might be abnormal in the glutamate-obese mouse. At 10 wk of age, group-housed glutamate-obese mice exhibited nocturnal and early diurnal torpor, i.e., they thermoregulated at a lower than normal body temperature. When exposed to 4 degrees C, they died in hypothermia within 24 h. They could adapt to living at 14 degrees C for up to 1 wk but failed to adjust their food intake sufficiently to maintain their body weight. Their fat stores were, nevertheless, conserved. BAT was present in increased amounts in glutamate-obese mice. Its thermogenic activity (as assessed by the level of mitochondrial GDP binding) was normal (male mice) or reduced (female mice). A normal thermogenic responsiveness of BAT to cold occurred. The thermogenic response of BAT to a cafeteria diet was normal (male mice) or reduced (female mice). Serum corticosterone concentration was increased in both male and female glutamate-treated mice particularly in the cold. We conclude that the high metabolic efficiency and obesity of the glutamate-obese mouse are principally a consequence of its maintenance of a hypothermic torpid state for more than 50% of the time. An additional deficit in energy expenditure in female, but not male, glutamate-obese mice is associated with suppressed responsiveness of the thermogenic function of BAT to diet and may account for the greater degree of obesity in female than in male glutamate-treated mice.