Haemodynamic studies in early stroke

We investigated prospectively a consecutive series of 81 patients suffering from acute middle cerebral artery (MCA) ischaemia by transcranial Doppler ultrasonography (TCD) within 24 h of the onset of symptoms. To monitor the haemodynamic changes follow-up recordings were carried out at short intervals during the next 2-3 weeks until stable haemodynamic status was achieved. In order to estimate the value of early TCD examinations in predicting the extent of brain damage seen later on, initial MCA flow reduction was correlated with infarction size and pattern on computed tomography. Fifty-three cases showed sufficient ultrasound penetration through the temporal bone. MCA flow asymmetries were recorded in 45 patients (85%); occlusion was observed in 17. Recanalization occurred in 11 patients followed by transient hyperaemia in 3, leaving residual stenosis in 2. Initial increase of flow velocities normalized within days or weeks in 7 out of 9 patients, while 2 developed residual MCA stenosis. Nineteen patients showed a considerable flow reduction on admission, which returned to normal in 9; transient hyperaemia was detected in 5 of these. Eight patients did not show any MCA flow asymmetry. Our study revealed very variable haemodynamic changes in acute stroke, which influenced further diagnostic and therapeutic management. The high rate of spontaneous recanalizations of MCA occlusions followed by transient hyperaemia in many cases has an important bearing on thrombolytic or rheological therapy. Flow velocity differences could be related to infarction pattern rather than to infarction volume. Early MCA flow asymmetry recorded by TCD within the first 24 h could not reliably predict the extent of persistent brain damage or clinical outcome.