International comparisons of He-Ne lasers stabilized with127I2at = 633 nm (July 1993 to September 1995). Part III: Second comparison of Eastern European lasers at = 633 nm

This paper reports the third set of results of a series of grouped laser comparisons from national laboratories undertaken by the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) at the request of the Comite Consultatif pour la Definition du Metre (CCDM) for the period July 1993 to September 1995. The results of this comparison, involving eight lasers, are comparable with those obtained during a first comparison in 1988 involving most of the same national laboratories. The lasers were first compared with the BIPM lasers with the parameters set to the values normally used in each laboratory, the results then ranged from -23 kHz to +28.2 kHz. After checking and readjusting the values of all the parameters, the range was reduced to -20.4 kHz to +9.7 kHz. Under the latter conditions, the average frequency difference of the group of lasers, with respect to the BIPM4 laser, was -5.8 kHz with a standard uncertainty of 12.3 kHz. Typical frequency stabilities with Allan standard deviations of about 1.8 × 10-11 and 1.8 × 10-12 were observed with sampling times of 1 s and 100 s, respectively.