We study the properties of AFBb,t, the forward-backward asymmetry, and of ApolFBb,t, the polarized forward-backward asymmetry, for the processes e+ eZ0→b¯b,t t¯ in the presence of new gauge interactions. It turns out that a measurement of ApolFBb can determine the strength of B0-B¯ 0 mixing without any appreciable impact from new gauge interactions. A measurement of AFBb has the potential to reveal such new forces, however only in a semiquantitative fashion unless B0-B¯ 0 mixing is well determined in an independent way. On the other hand AFBt can quantitatively measure the effects of new currents, because T0-T¯ 0 mixing is expected to be very small. We show that the additional kinematic factors which appear in expression for AFBt do not suppress the effects of new gauge structures.