Pituitary transcription factor Prop-1 stimulates porcine pituitary glycoprotein hormone α subunit gene expression

Recently, we have reported that a Prophet of Pit-1 homeodomain factor, Prop-1, is a novel transcription factor for the porcine follicle-stimulating hormone β subunit (FSHβ) gene. This study subsequently aimed to examine the role of Prop-1 in the gene expression of two other porcine gonadotropin subunits, pituitary glycoprotein hormone α subunit (αGSU), and luteinizing hormone β subunit (LHβ). A series of deletion mutants of the porcine αGSU (up to −1059 bp) and LHβ (up to −1277 bp) promoters were constructed in the reporter vector, fused with the secreted alkaline phosphatase gene (pSEAP2-Basic). Transient transfection studies using GH3 cells were carried out to estimate the activation of the porcine αGSU and LHβ promoters by Prop-1, which was found to activate the αGSU promoter of −1059/+12 bp up to 11.7-fold but not the LHβ promoter. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay and DNase I footprinting analysis revealed that Prop-1 binds to six positions, −1038/−1026, −942/−928, −495/−479, −338/−326, −153/−146, and −131/−124 bp, that comprise the A/T cluster. Oligonucleotides of six Prop-1 binding sites were directly connected to the minimum promoter of αGSU, fused in the pSEAP2-Basic vector, followed by transfecting GH3 cells to determine the cis-acting activity. Finally, we concluded that at least five Prop-1 binding sites are the cis-acting elements for αGSU gene expression. The present results revealed a notable feature of the proximal region, where three Prop-1-binding sites are close to and/or overlap the pituitary glycoprotein hormone basal element, GATA-binding element, and junctional regulatory element. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of the role of Prop-1 in the regulation of αGSU gene expression. These results, taken together with our previous finding that Prop-1 is a transcription factor for FSHβ gene, confirm that Prop-1 modulates the synthesis of FSH at the transcriptional level. On the other hand, the defects of Prop-1 are known to cause dwarfism and combined pituitary hormone deficiency accompanying hypogonadism. Accordingly, the present observations provide a novel view to understand the hypogonadism caused by Prop-1 defects at the molecular level through the regulatory mechanism of αGSU and FSHβ gene expressions.