Quantum Theory of Surface Energy and Tension

The surface energy ES of a system of interacting particles is ES=dz{ε(z)εB[ρ(z)ρB]}, where ε(z) and ρ(z) are the energy and particle densities along the axis normal to the surface. εB and ρB are the corresponding quantities in the bulk. Alternatively one may formulate an exact expression for the surface tension defined as γ=(FS)V, with the result that γ=dz2[tz(z)t(z)]+14dr(r23rz2)1rdvdrρ(2)(z, z+rz). ti(z) are the components of the average kinetic energy density and ρ(2)(r1, r2) is the pair distribution function. In the ground state γ=ES. We have applied these formulas to liquid He4 and He3 assuming that ρ(2)=ρ(z)×ρ(z+rz)gB(r). The bulk radial distribution gB(r) is obtained from x-ray data. Use of the thermodynamic data εB and p=0 gives tB and checks gB(r). Further we assume a free-volume form of the kinetic energy density t(z)=tB[ρ(z)ρB]53 and an exponential density fall-off ρ(z)=ρBeza. Calculated values of ES show a minimum at a=2.0A. ES and γ differ by 20% at this value, with γ being 0.38 erg/cm2 for He4. The experimental value of γ is 0.35 erg/cm2.

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