The determination of tetra‐alkyllead and ionic alkyllead compounds in seafood

Extraction methodologies were developed for tetra‐alkyllead and ionic alkyllead compounds in seafood. Tetra‐alkylleads were extracted with n‐hexane after the samples had been enzymatically hydrolyzed. The ionic alkylleads were complexed with diphenylthiocarbazone (dithizone) at pH 8 and 9 from enzymatically hydrolyzed samples to optimize recovery. The dithizone extracts were butylated prior to analysis by gas chromatography–atomic absorption spectrometry (GC AA). Instrumental detection limits ranged between 1.6 and 2.3 pg lead. Application to a limited number of seafood samples indicated the possible presence of trace amounts (ca 1 ng g−1) of trimethyllead in some samples. No other alkylleads were detected.