The feeding and ranging behaviour of Galapagos giant tortoises (Geochehne elephantopus) The Cambridge and London University Galapagos Expeditions, 1972 and 1973

Field observations on the behaviour of adult Galapagos giant tortoises (Geochehne elephantopus) on the islands of Santa Cruz (Indefatigable) and Pinzon (Duncan) were made by the 1972 Expedition, and on Santa Cruz by the 1973 Expedition. The animals (in all 14 on Santa Cruz and three on Pinzon) were observed continuously throughout the day for periods of 3–14 days so that their main non‐reproductive activities (feeding and walking) could be quantitatively recorded. The period of potential activity was between about 08.00 hrs and 16.00–18.00 hrs, but the pattern of behaviour was extremely variable, both in a given individual and between one individual and another; it seemed little influenced by the relatively slight fluctuations of temperature and climate which occurred during the period of study (July‐September) on Santa Cruz. The tortoises on Pinzon, a much more arid island, were less active, and one showed a strongly bimodal activity pattern with a resting period during the middle of the day. The animals studied in 1972 showed a strong disposition to return after several days to the same sleeping place, but this homing tendency was not observed in 1973. This discrepancy can perhaps be attributed to the fact that the two expeditions worked in different areas under different weather conditions. Observations on the plants eaten, on the association between tortoises and certain birds, and on some other aspects of tortoise behaviour such as walking speed and responses to sounds are also described.