Energy-loss scaling in 0.5-3.5-keV Ne+ and Ne collisions with H2 and D2

Energy losses are measured in Ne+ +D2, Ne+ +H2, and Ne + D2 collisions for beam energies 0.5E3.5 keV and scattering angles θ5 deg. Rotational and vibrational excitation of the target molecule is found, but the probability of direct electronic excitation is seen to be extremely small. The results indicate that the most probable laboratory energy loss T0 for a projectile with mass Mp scattered by a homonuclear binary molecule with atomic masses M scales so that the quantity f=T0M(MpEθ2) is a function of the reduced scattering angle τ=Eθ only, as recently predicted theoretically by Sigmund. The function f(τ) is found to be the same for the Ne+ + D2 and Ne+ + H2 systems, but is strongly dependent on the charge state of the projectile.