From research to practice: one organizational model for promoting research‐based practice

This paper describes a framework used by the National Institute for Nursing in Oxford to integrate research, development and practice. With the increasing attention given to the topic of how research findings are implemented into clinical practice, it was felt important to share the challenges that have arisen in attempting to combine traditional research activities with more practice-based development work. The emerging conceptual framework, structures and functions are described, highlighting the variety of partnerships to be established in order to achieve the goal of integrating research into practice. While the underpinning principles of the framework-generating knowledge, implementing research into practice and evaluating the effectiveness of programmes-are not new, it is the way they have been combined within an organizational structure that could be helpful to others considering such a strategy. Both the strengths and weaknesses of the framework are discussed, a number of conclusions drawn as to its robustness and consideration given to its replication.