Études Conformationnelles IV – Equilibre Conformationnel Équatorial‐Axial du Cyclohexanol

Solvent effects on conformational equilibrium of cyclohexanol have been studied by infra‐red spectroscopy. Relative absorption intensities of ν(C–O) stretching vibrations of equatorial and axial hydroxyl groups of cyclohexanol have been determined for a series of 10 solvents. The intensity of the absorption of cyclohexanol at 1069 cm−1 has been compared with that of the ν(C–O) absorption of trans‐4‐tertiobutylcyclohexanol. No appreciable change of conformational equilibrium in different media was apparent. Values for the free energy difference between equatorial and axial conformation of the hydroxyl group in cyclohexane are reported.Solvent effects on ν(C–O) frequencies may provide a new experimental method for the localisation of ν(C–O) bands.