Selection favoring different alleles in different environments frequently has been suggested as an explanation for allozyme variation within and among populations. This hypothesis predicts that allozyme frequencies will be correlated with environmental variables. Previous studies on allozyme frequency-environment covariation in plants often have relied on qualitative assessments of the environment and have emphasized highly autogamous species. We have examined allozyme frequency-soil associations in Gaillardia pulchella, an obligately outcrossed annual plant, by regressing the frequencies of 15 common allozymes representing six polymorphic enzyme loci on principal components from a set of 20 quantitative soil variables. Fifty-one populations, representing four taxonomic varieties, were included in the analysis. Among the 26 populations representing the var. pulchella, allozymes Adh-2f and Pgm-1c were significantly associated with a block of highly inter-correlated soil characteristics which serve to discriminate between soils derived from calcareous vs. non-calcareous rock types. This geographically complex pattern of allozyme frequency-soil covariation is not likely to be spurious and, thus, indicates the presence of adaptively differentiated soil races, or ecotypes. However, these results are not sufficient to conclude that the allozyme frequency divergence between ecotypes was mediated by selection, either directly or through genetic hitchhiking. The pattern of allozyme frequency-soil covariation within var. pulchella was not found among the other taxonomic varieties. Patterns of genotype-environment covariation often may be recognizable only within geographically or environmentally restricted groups of populations because of the confounding influences of other environmental variables.
Funding Information
  • National Science Foundation (DEB77‐07245)
  • Presbyterian Historical Society (5T32‐GM‐07126)
  • National Science Foundation (DEB76‐19914)