Release of allelochemical agents from litter, throughfall, and topsoil in plantations ofEucalyptus globulus Labill in Spain

Natural leachates ofEucalyptus globulus (throughfall, stemflow, and soil percolates) were collected daily during rainy spells in the vegetative period (February–July), and their effects on the germination and radicle growth ofLactuca sativa were measured. Concurrently, the effects ofL. sativa of topsoil and leachates from decaying litter were determined. The results suggest that toxic allelochemicals released byEucalyptus globulus may influence the composition and structure of the understory of the plantation and that this effect is attributable mainly to the decomposition products of decaying litter rather than to aerial leachates. The soil may neutralize or dilute allelopathic agents, at least below the top few cms.