Systolic Phases of the Cardiac Cycle in Children

The duration of the systolic phases of the cardiac cycle in 390 normal children was determined from high-speed simultaneous recordings of the electrocardiogram, phonocardiogram, apexcardiogram, and carotid pulse. Data were obtained on children 1 mo to 13 years of age and analyzed to define the independent effects of aging and heart rate on the systolic intervals. Electromechanical systole (Q-II) was found to prolong with increasing age in children with the same heart rate. Pre-ejection period was also prolonged in older children and occupied an increased percentage of total systole. The interval from onset of contraction to first sound varied inversely with heart rate and was independent of age. Electromechanical delay and isometric contraction time were directly related to age and independent of rate. Ejection time varied directly with age and inversely with heart rate but occupied a smaller percentage of systole in older children. Alterations in systolic phase duration occurring with maturation reflect the normal functional adaptation of the developing heart. Measurement of these phases can provide useful information relative to cardiac function in children.