Efficacy and Economy of Weed Management Systems for Sicklepod (Senna obtusifolia) and Morningglory (Ipomoeaspp.) Control in Soybean (Glycine max)

Field experiments were conducted in Tifton, Midville, and Athens, GA to determine economic net returns from PRE-broadcast, PRE-banded, POST, and POST-directed herbicide treatments and inter-row cultivation in conventional-tillage soybean. Metribuzin applied PRE-broadcast was more effective for sicklepod and morningglory control than PRE-banded. Soybean net returns were not significantly reduced in two of three years in plots treated with metribuzin applied PRE-banded compared with broadcast application. The addition of POST or POST-directed herbicides increased treatment net returns over PRE-broadcast and PRE-banded metribuzin two of the three years of the study. No significant soybean injury was observed.