Shaly strata of the Didymograptus murchisoni Zone at Killeröd, Skåne, southern Sweden, have yielded elements of the conodont species Pygodus serrus (Hadding) and Eoplacognathus reclinatus (Fåhraeus) which are characteristic of the Folkeslunda Limestone of late Lasnamägian age. These species provide the first conclusive evidence that at least part of the late Lasnamägian is coeval with the Didymograptus murchisoni graptolite Zone. The presence of Pygodus anserinus Lamont and Lindström and Prioniodus prevariabilis Fåhraeus throughout the “Bronni Beds” at Killeröd proves that this unit is older than has been believed previously and is equivalent to part of the Glyptograptus teretiusculus Zone rather than to the Nemagraptus gracilis Zone. Other evidence for the correlation between the North Atlantic graptolite and conodont zonal successions is also reviewed.

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