Rapid Detection of Salmonella in Certified Raw Milk by Using Charge-Modified Filters and Felix-01 Bacteriophage

A method is described whereby less than 5 Salmonella cells/ml of certified raw milk could be detected within 24 h of sample collection. Salmonellae were removed from milk by filtration through electropositive large-pore filters and then eluted into an enrichment broth containing brilliant green dye. Following incubation for 18 h, of 28 strains of Salmonella tested (7 serotypes represented) all but one (a strain of Salmonella dublin) grew to detectable numbers. Salmonellae were detected following growth in the enrichment broth by using the salmonella-specific Felix-01 bacteriophage. This bacteriophage produced lacunae within 6 h on lawns of salmonellae grown in the enrichment broth containing brilliant green dye.