Interrelated and Isolated Self-Concepts

We propose aframework for conceptualizing different ways of representing concepts of the self. Interrelated self-concepts are concepts that are defined by connections to concepts of other (real or prototypic) individuals; isolated self-concepts do not depend upon other person conceptsfor their mental characterization. This distinction between ways of representing self-concepts is similar to the distinction between interrelated and isolated concepts recently proposed by Goldstone (1993b, 1996). In this article, the extant self literature is evaluated in terms of the interrelated-isolated distinction. Methods for manipulating and diagnosing interrelated and isolated self-concepts are also proposed. Results of 3 studies show that interrelated self-concepts contain less abstract features than do isolated self-concepts. The former concepts also contain more diagnosticfeatures than the latter. Discussion focuses on predictions about other differences in isolatedSnd interrelated self-concepts. The conditions under which different types of self-concepts might change and the implications of interrelated and isolated self-concepts for information processing, memory, self-esteem, and mental health are considered.