A Survey of Pediatricians on Early Identification and Early Intervention Services

In order for Public Law 99-457 (P.L. 99-457) Part H to be effective, it is crucial that pediatricians be aware of and participate in community early intervention systems. Three hundred and forty-two pediatricians responded to a questionnaire regarding screening practices, referral methods, and training needs. Nearly all (97%) indicated that they routinely performed some type of developmental screening. Most respondents recommended more training in developmental/behavioral pediatrics in residency programs. Less than half of the pediatricians surveyed were familiar with all of the provisions of P.L. 99-457, even though 83% said they were aware of the legislation. The most frequently requested area of continuing education was developmental screening (66%), followed by requests for more information regarding community resources in early intervention (51%). Regional and local seminars were chosen as the type of continuing education most likely to be used by pediatricians. Continuing education is needed to prepare pediatricians for the new roles and skills needed to fully participate in the early intervention system.