Discectomies of the lower cervical spine using interbody biopolymer (B.O.P.) implants

The authors report their experience with 150 cases of discectomies performed with interbody grafts using a copolymer (Biocompatible Orthopedic Polymer or BOP*). Made of N-Vinylpyrrolidone-Methylmethacrylate monomers, polyamide fibres and calcium gluconate. BOP is a biocompatible, biodegradable, osteoconductive matrix, easy to use and quite safe. These properties are quite well appreciated for cervical interbody grafting. After discectomy, stabilization of the spine is immediate, and fusion slowly occurs around and through the biopolymer within one year. The biomaterial avoids morbidity inherent in the harvesting of an autograft, as well as any limitations resulting from the use of allografts.