The circadian wheel-running rhythms of gonadectomized adult male, female, and perinatally androgenized female rats, maintained in constant darkness, were examined before and after implantation of Silastic capsules containing cholesterol (C) or estradiol-17 beta (E). The free-running period of the activity rhythm (tau) before capsule implantation tended to be shorter in animals exposed to perinatal androgen. Administration of C did not reliably alter tau in any group. E significantly shortened tau in 100% of females injected with oil on day 3 of life. In females, injected with 3.5 micrograms testosterone propionate on day 3, and males, E shortened or lengthened tau, with the direction and magnitude of this change in tau inversely related to the length of the individual's pretreatment tau. These data indicate that the presence of perinatal androgen does not eliminate the sensitivity of the circadian system of the rat to estrogen, since estrogen alters tau in a manner that depends on its pretreatment length.