The Characteristic Radiations ofCo60

The 10.7-minute period previously obtained from Co(n,γ) and Ni(n,p) reactions was produced by a Co(d,p) reaction. The increased activity from this latter reaction made energy measurements possible. The beta-rays were measured with a magnetic spectrometer. In spite of the difficulties caused by the rapid decay of the activity, the best interpretation of the data is that the beta-rays are a continuous spectrum. The end point was evaluated at 1.35±0.1 Mev. Absorption measurements indicated that each beta-ray is accompanied by approximately one gamma-ray of 1.5±0.2-Mev energy. The 5.3-year period radiations previously studied were also investigated and found to consist of a 1.7±0.2-Mev gamma-ray and a 220±20-Kev beta-ray spectrum. These data suggest that Co60 may consist of isomeric nuclei in which the two activities decay independently, as an alternative to the previously reported scheme of disintegration.

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