We first exhibit in the commutative case the simple algebraic relations between the algebra of functions on a manifold and its infinitesimal length element $ds$. Its unitary representations correspond to Riemannian metrics and Spin structure while $ds$ is the Dirac propagator $ds = \ts \!\!$---$\!\! \ts = D^{-1}$ where $D$ is the Dirac operator. We extend these simple relations to the non commutative case using Tomita's involution $J$. We then write a spectral action, the trace of a function of the length element in Planck units, which when applied to the non commutative geometry of the Standard Model will be shown (in a joint work with Ali Chamseddine) to give the SM Lagrangian coupled to gravity. The internal fluctuations of the non commutative geometry are trivial in the commutative case but yield the full bosonic sector of SM with all correct quantum numbers in the slightly non commutative case. The group of local gauge transformations appears spontaneously as a normal subgroup of the diffeomorphism group.

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