Characterization ofRu107,Ru108,Rh107, andRh108

The mass number of Rh107 (21.7±0.4 min) has been confirmed by alpha bombardments of Ru104 at selected energies, by fastneutron bombardment of Pd108, and by chemical identification; and the mass number of Rh108 (16.8±0.5 sec) has been established by the nature of its γ radiations. The mass numbers of the two precursors Ru107 (4.2±0.3 min) and Ru108 (4.5±0.2 min) have thereby also been established. The main radiations associated with these species are as follows (energies in keV): Ru107 β groups of 2100±300 and 3150±300, γ rays of 195 (14%, coincident with the 2100 β), 370 (∼6%, coincident with the 195 γ), 480 (weak, seen only in coincidence with the 195 γ), 860 (7%, coincident with the 195 γ), 930 (4%), 1030 (4%), and 1290 (4%); Ru108 β groups 1150±100 and 1320±100, a γ of 165±3 (28%, coincident with the 1150 β); Rh107 β groups 840±40, 940±70, 1140±50, and 1200±50 keV, γ rays of 115 (0.5%), 285 (∼3%, seen only in coincidence with the 390 γ), 307 (73%, coincident with the 1200 β), 365 (∼2%, coincident with the 307 γ), 390 (11%, coincident with the 1140 and 840 β groups), 470 (1%), 570 (2%, coincident with the 940 β), and 675 (3%, coincident with the 840 β), and γ coincidence-sum lines at 680 (∼3%), 880 (very weak), and 1140 (≤0.5%); Rh108 β of 4500±600 keV, γ rays of 430 (43%), 510 (10%, partly coincident with the 430 γ), 620 (22%, coincident with the 430 γ), 1520 (5%), and 2000 (≤3%). No 940 γ from the Pd108 940 level could be detected (γ rays follow β transitions to the 940 level. All γ rays above 115 in the four species are in fast coincidence with β rays. There are other γ rays associated with these species, especially for Ru107 and/or Rh108 above 1500. No evidence was found for isomers of Pd107, Rh107, Pd108, or Rh108 from decay of 21.7-min Rh107 or 16.8-sec Rh108. No Rh107 or Rh108 isomers could be isolated. However a γ ray of 21 keV, presumed to be K x rays of rhodium, appears in the short-lived ruthenium spectrum, with an intensity 5 to 8% relative to Ru107; this is attributed to a short-lived (Rh107 isomer formed in >8% of the Ru107 disintegrations. The following decay paths are proposed: decay of Ru107 (Qβ=3200) proceeding to Rh107 excited levels of 1290 (4%), 1030 (11%), 930 (4%), 675 or 1530 (Rh107 (Qβ=1510) proceeding to Pd107 levels of 1140 (∼0.2%), 675 (may be more than one level, 7%), 570 (2%), 470 (1%), 390 (8%), and 307 (71%), and to ground state (0 to 17%); decay of Ru108 (presumably 0+, Qβ=1320) proceeding to Rh108 levels of 165 (0+ or 1+, 28%) and ground state (1+, 72%); decay of Rh108 (1+, Qβ=4500) proceeding to Pd108 levels of 2000 or higher (≤3%), 1520 or higher (≥5%), 1050 (0+, 22%), 940 (2+, 0 to 5%), and 430 (2+, ∼17%), and to ground state (0+, 51%). Interpretations of these schemes are presented.

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