Bovine Homocytotropic (Skin-Sensitizing) Antibody

Homologous skin-sensitizing activity of serum from sensitized calves was tested by PCA with latent periods of different durations. The effect of heat-treatment and alkylation and reduction, the relative location after density gradient ultracentrifugation of the serum, and the ability to sensitize guinea pig and sheep skin for PCA were studied. The optimum latent period for homologous PCA was found to be 48 to 72 hours and skin-sensitizing activity was shown to be heat labile and sensitive to reduction and alkylation. The activity was located in fractions of approximately 7S sedimentation constant in which no IgM was detectable by immunoelectrophoresis. Bovine skin-sensitizing serum was incapable of sensitizing guinea pig skin for PCA but limited heterologous activity was demonstrated in sheep.