Differential conservation equations are derived for the mass‐, momentum‐, and energy‐density operators for a 1‐component simple fluid of Bose or Fermi particles with arbitrary pairwise interactions. These equations are used in a statistical mechanical derivation of exact equations of motion for the expectations of these operators. The equations of motion are coupled to equations relating these expectations to the local temperature, chemical potential, and fluid velocity. The coupled equations are closed in the sense that the expectations and their thermodynamic conjugates listed above are the only unknowns, although some of the dependence in the equations on the conjugates is expressed only implicitly. The equations of motion are memory‐retaining nonlocal generalizations of the classical hydrodynamic equations and apply to a normal fluid arbitrarily far from equilibrium. The formalism is not carried as far as has the corresponding classical formalism because the local equilibrium expectation of the momentum density here does not equal the fluid velocity times the expectation of the mass density as is true in classical statistical mechanics.