Validation of a Computerized Adaptive Version of the Schedule for Nonadaptive and Adaptive Personality (SNAP).

This is a validation study of a computerized adaptive (CAT) version of the Schedule for Nonadaptive and Adaptive Personality (SNAP) conducted with 413 undergraduates who completed the SNAP twice, 1 week apart. Participants were assigned randomly to 1 of 4 retest groups: (a) paper-and-pencil (P&P) SNAP, (b) CAT, (c) P&P/CAT, and (d) CAT/P&P. With number of items held constant, computerized administration had little effect on descriptive statistics, rank ordering of scores, reliability, and concurrent validity, but was preferred over P&P administration by most participants. CAT administration yielded somewhat lower precision and validity than P&P administration, but required 36% to 37% fewer items and 58% to 60% less time to complete. These results confirm not only key findings from previous CAT simulation studies of personality measures but extend them for the 1st time to a live assessment setting.