Performance — robustness trade off of eigenstructure assignment applied to rotorcraft

Eigenstructure assignment has been widely used in the past for the synthesis of flight control systems in the time domain. The method, although offering a straightforward way of determining static compensators which satisfy the specifications in terms of desirable time response characteristics, lacks the property of guaranteeing stability margins like the linear quadratic regulator (LQR) methodology. The present paper analyses the performance-robustness properties of eigenstructure assignment against the standard LQR in order to define a loop transfer recovery procedure similar to that of the LQG/LTR. Two applications are described in which helicopter flight controllers are synthesised by eigenstructure assignment and possess robustness properties comparable to those of similar quadratic regulators and yet resulting in a simpler compensator structure. The applications are chosen to correspond to two flight conditions reflecting the aim of generality of the comparison.

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