The hypophyses of the bottle nosed (Tursiops truncatus) and the speckled (Prodelphinus pragiodon) porpoises were studied for anatomical and histological structure and pharmacological activity. The ant. and neural lobes are completely separated by a fold of dura and by the pia-arach-noid which surrounds the neural lobe. A discrete pars intermedia is not present. The ant. lobe consists of the usual [alpha], [beta], and chromophobe cells. A large colloid filled cleft is present in the gland of the bottle nosed porpoise. A basophil area is present in the speckled porpoise, and well circumscribed areas of chromophobe cells are seen in the bottle nosed porpoise. Laminated structures, similar to corpora arenacea, are present in the ant. lobes of both spp. The neural lobe is vascular and consists mainly of nerve fibers and pituicytes. Nerve cells are present in the proximal portion of the lobe and in the neural stalk. Herring bodies are numerous. The melanophore dispersing hormone is found in greatest conc. in the ant. lobe, in much less cone, in the pars tuberalis and in doubtful traces in the neural stalk. It is absent from the neural lobe. The oxytocic, pressor and antidiuretic hormones are present only in neural lobe extracts. The pressor and oxytocic hormones are present in the ratio of 11, but in some of the glands tested the cone, of both hormones is low. The possible physiological significance of this is discussed.