Percutaneous liver biopsy in adult haemophiliacs with hepatitis C virus: safety of outpatient procedure and impact of human immunodeficiency virus coinfection on the spectrum of liver disease

Summary. Both HCV and HIV are common in haemophiliacs previously treated with non‐viral‐inactivated clotting factor concentrates. Because of increased bleeding risks, little data are available on the safety of percutaneous outpatient liver biopsy (LBx) and impact of HIV coinfection in this population. This study aims at reporting our experience with percutaneous LBx in a cohort of haemophiliacs infected with HCV and describe the spectrum of disease and impact of HIV coinfection. A retrospective review of consecutive patients with haemophilia and HCV who underwent percutaneous LBx was performed. All patients were positive for HCV RNA by commercial assay and received factor concentrate prior to biopsy. A total of 29 male patients (mean age 36, 24 haemophilia A, five haemophilia B, and 44% coinfected with HIV) underwent successful outpatient percutaneous LBx without bleeding complication. Histologic activity index was 6.44 with advanced fibrosis (bridging fibrosis/cirrhosis) in 31%. When patients were stratified by HIV positive (n = 13) vs. HIV negative (n = 16), coinfected patients had higher fibrosis scores and higher proportion advanced fibrosis (54% vs. 12%;P = 0.0167) with no differences in age, demographic or other laboratory parameters. Multivariate logistic regression found that HIV positivity was independently associated with advanced fibrosis (OR = 3.7; 95% CI: 1.17–11.8;P = 0.026). Outpatient percutaneous LBx can be safely performed in patients with haemophilia. Despite similar age, HIV coinfection was an independent predictor of advanced fibrosis. These data support the hypothesis that HIV accelerates fibrosis progression in those coinfected with HCV and highlights the importance of liver histology in this population.