Unquenched Kogut-Susskind quark propagator in lattice Landau gauge QCD

Quark propagators of the unquenched Kogut-Susskind (KS) fermion obtained from the gauge configurations of the MILC Collaboration are measured after Landau gauge fixing and using the Staple+Naik action. Presence of the q¯q condensates and A2 condensates in the dynamical mass M(q) and the quark wave function renormalization Zψ(q2) are investigated. We obtain the correlation of the renormalization factor of the running coupling taken at μ6GeV and that of the quark wave function renormalization Zψ(q2) of the Staple+Naik action. The mass function M(q) is finite at q=0 and its chiral limit is 0.38GeV. We compared the results corrected by the scale of the vertex renormalization and the tadpole renormalization with the corresponding values obtained by the Asqtad action without renormalization and observed good agreement. Implication of infrared finite Z2(q)=1/Zψ(q2) to the Kugo-Ojima confinement criterion is discussed.