Quantitative analysis of the bacterial findings in otitis media

Qualitative and quantitative bacterial analysis of 200 samples of middle ear effusions collected from patients with current otitis media was performed. When middle ear pathogens (S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae and B. catarrhalis) where found during current acute otitis media or otitis media with effusion infection, the quantity of these bacteria was of the magnitude 106–108/ml and 0–5 × 105/ml effusion material, respectively. Mucopurulent effusion material contained 6 × 105–108 bacteria per ml whereas effusion from chronically discharging ears exceeded 109 bacteria per ml. Serous effusions did not harbour middle ear pathogens. The appearance of the effusion material was dependent on the number of bacteria involved. Quantification of bacteria in various middle ear effusions offers opportunities to make the diagnosis of various otitis media infections more accurate and readily comparable.