Physiological Studies of Intertidal Fucoid Algae

The net photosynthesis of the intertidal brown algae Fucus spiralis L., F. vesiculosus L. and F. vesiculosus L. var. spiralis Farlow were determined under a variety of different temperature, light and salinity regimes. The optimal light and temperature requirements for their net photosynthesis are 800 to 1200 ft-c (200 to 300 microeinsteins) and C, respectively. Seasonal differences were found in the photosynthesis temperature responses of each plant. That is summer specimens showed a greater tolerance to high temperatures and a higher temperature optima than winter ones, and winter plants had a higher rate of net photosynthesis between C than summer plants. F. vesiculosus var. spiralis seems to be most adapted to low salinity conditions. The temperature and salinity requirements of the 3 algae are discussed in relation to their local estuarine distribution within the Great Bay Estuary System of New Hampshire-Maine, USA.