Combined Cataract Extraction and Scleral Cauterization

Often chronic simple glaucoma is improved after removal of a coexisting cataract. If, however, the glaucoma is only borderline controlled or not controlled by maximal medical therapy, the indication for a filtering operation has to be considered either before or after the cataract extraction. In 1960, at the meeting of the Section of Ophthalmology of the American Medical Association in Miami, Fla, in a discussion following a paper presented by Tyner et al, we described a technique combining the cataract extraction with scleral cauterization as a filtering procedure in one operative session. Since this discussion has not appeared in print, we herewith give a short description of the technique. After usual preparation and retrobulbar anesthesia with 2% lidocaine hydrochloride (Xylocaine Hydrochloride) and hyaluronidase, a limbus-based conjunctival flap is dissected from above far forward into the cornea as is customary for a filtering operation. A nonperforating slot about 3 mm long

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