The purpose of this paper is to report a case of corneal ulcer with hypopyon and iridocyclitis, in which a mold identified as Allescheria boydii was demonstrated in scrapings from the eye in situ and imminent perforation averted by appropriate therapy. This appears to be the second recorded case of corneal ulcer associated with A. boydii (Monosporium apiospermum)1 and the first to be successfully treated. A. boydii is a soil saprophyte which generally enters the human body by traumatic inoculation. When found in pathological situations it is most frequently implicated as an etiological agent of "madura foot." However, it has also been incriminated in such diverse conditions as meningitis,2 fatal pulmonary infection,3 and mycetoma of the eyelid.4 Exhaustive reviews of the literature on A. boydii and M. apiospermum infections have been published in recent years,5,6 as has a study on the biology of these organisms.