5s4dtransition of trigonalAg+in zeolite

The configurational (4d95s)D1(4d10)S1 excitation of trigonally coordinated Ag+ in zeolite A is identified as a (C3v)A11E1E1A11 excitation multiplet centered at 5.55 eV. A single emission occurring in the 3.73-3.83-eV range is assigned to a (4d95s)E3(4d10)A11 transition. The total oscillator strength of the excitation multiplet is approximately 0.2 and is characteristic of a fully allowed transition. The doubly degenerate components exhibit Eε dynamic Jahn-Teller effects with ε modes of 458 cm1 in excitation and 196 cm1 in emission. Gaseous ethylene binds reversibly with the Ag+ ions at 338 K, and concomitant spectral changes provide the first electronic experimental confirmation of the 5sπ bonding scheme proposed by M. J. S. Dewar for complexation between Ag+ and olefins.