Proton Spectra from Reactions Induced by 30.5-MeV Alpha Particles

The (α,p) reaction has been studied at 30.5 MeV for the targets Al27, Ti48, V51, Fe, Co59, Ni58, Ni60, Ni61, Ni62, Cu63, Cu65, Zn67, Nb93, Mo, Rh103, Pd, Cd113, Cd114, Sn119, Sn120, Sn124, Ta181, Pt195, and Au197. Proton evaporation spectra were measured at 30, 60, 90, 120, and 150° up to excitation energies of 25 MeV in the residual nucleus. The spectra have been compared with statistical-model predictions and the parameters a and T obtained. The lack of mass dependence of these parameters and the average low value of the level-density parameter a=5.5 MeV1 add evidence for a nuclear-temperature anomaly. The anomaly is discussed in terms of recent intermediate-resonance models.