Based on proposals to measure squeezing by homodyne cross correlation [Ou, Hong, and Mandel, Phys. Rev. A 36, 192 (1987)] and by homodyne intensity correlation measurements with a weak local oscillator [Vogel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 2450 (1991)], the method of homodyne correlation measurements is considered in detail for the case of weak local oscillators. Aside from the feasibility of measuring squeezing in low efficiency detection, it appears possible to record the correlation of the noise of two noncommuting observables, namely, the intensity and the electric field strength of the signal field. The separation of the different contributions to the measured correlations is considered and spectral correlation measurements are analyzed. Local oscillator noise, which is not balanced out in such a scheme, is found to be attenuated effectively by decreasing the local oscillator field. In particular, in the homodyne cross correlation scheme, it is of interest to use a beam splitter that significantly differs from a 50%:50% partition.