Chest wall rigidity during fentanyl– and midazolam–fentanyl induction: ventilatory and haemodynamic effects

In a double-blind randomised study, we examined if pretreatment with small doses of midazolam, given before anaesthesia induction with fentanyl, influences the occurrence of fentanyl-induced thoracic rigidity (FITR). At the same time, the effect of rigidity on the cardiovascular and respiratory system was assessed. Sixteen patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery were divided into two groups. The midazolam group (M) received 0.075 mg/kg midazolam i.v. and the placebo group (P) NaCl 0.9% 3 min before the start of fentanyl induction. During the induction period, FITR was assessed clinically on a 3-point scale. Haemodynamic and respiratory variables were collected before anaesthesia induction, at the end of the fentanyl infusion and 3 min after intubation. The incidence of FITR was high in both groups: 63% in Group M and 75% in Group P (n.s.); however, its severity was less in Group M. The appearance of rigidity affected the cardiovascular and the respiratory system: central venous and pulmonary capillary wedge pressures showed a sharp increase in patients with FITR accompanied by CO2 retention, due to an inability to ventilate these patients adequately. We conclude that small doses of midazolam do not prevent, but may attenuate, FITR and that the appearance of rigidity causes alterations of haemodynamic and respiratory variables during induction.