The fibre type composition of the striated muscle of the oesophagus in ruminants and carnivores

The fibre type composition of the striated muscle layer of the oesophagus of the cow, sheep, donkey, dog and cat was examined with standard histochemical methods and immunohistochemical staining using type-specific antimyosin sera. The heavy chain and light chain composition of oesophageal myosin was also examined using electrophoretic peptide mapping and 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis respectively. In the ruminants and donkey the oesophagus was composed of fibre types I, IIA and IIC with immunohistochemical characteristics identical to those of the same fibre types found in control skeletal muscle. In the ruminants there was a gradient in the proportion of type I fibres from 1% (at the cervical end) to about 30% (at the caudal end). In the carnivores the oesophageal muscle was composed of a very small percentage of type I and IIC fibres, but the predominant type was very different hisotchemically and immunohistochemically from all the fibre types (I, IIA, IIB, IIC) present in the control muscles. This oesophageal fibre type (IIoes) had an acid- and alkaline-stable m-ATP-ase activity, a moderate histochemical Ca-Mg actomyosin ATPase activity, and reacted weakly with anti-IIA and antiIIB myosin sera. Although the light chains of the IIoes myosin were the same as the light chains of a mixture of IIA and IIB myosins, their respective heavy chains gave different peptide maps. Greater differences were obtained between the heavy chains of IIoes and other striated muscle myosins. These observations lead us to conclude that this predominant fibre type of the carnivore oesophageal striated muscle is of the ‘fast’ type, and contains a distinct isoform of myosin similr but not identical to the other fast type myosins.