Axial transverse computerized tomography in 73 glioblastomas

Among 2,600 patients, examined by computerized tomography, 404 had brain tumours, which were gliomas in 150 cases. There were 73 glioblastomas. Examination was performed according to Ambrose's method using an intravenous injection of 1 ml 60% contrast medium per kg body weight. Thus 98% of all gliomas could be demonstrated. Glioblastomas are shown in three different forms: an annular type (55%), a nodular type (18%), and a combined type (27%). Perifocal oedema is found in 88% of glioblastomas. The oedema most frequently belongs to grade II or III. Differential diagnosis of gliomas, abscess, metastases and other tumours with central necrosis are discussed.