The effect of changes in blood oxygen-carrying capacity on ventilation volume in the rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri)

Changes in ventilation volume of rainbow trout caused by hypercapnia, hypoxia and anaemia were measured directly by collection of expired water. Exposure to hypercapnic water ( range 0·5–2 kPa) increased (by up to four times) by augmenting ventilatory stroke volume; breathing frequency remained constant. O2 added to the inspired water in maintained hypercapnia reduced at all but the highest level of . increased when blood oxygen content was decreased by exposure to normoxic hypercapnia, but addition of O2 to the water increased blood oxygen content and decreased. When blood oxygen-carrying capacity was depressed by hypoxia or anaemia, increased as it did during normoxic hypercapnia. We suggest that ventilatory responses to low levels of hypercapnia, to hyperoxic hypercapnia, to hypoxia, and to anaemia in trout are related to changes in levels of blood oxygen content under these conditions.