The Effects of Smoking Outside Workplaces on Non-Regular Smokers

The introduction of workplace smoking bans has resulted in smokers smoking outside their workplaces (exiled smoking). Social identity theory postulates that this may cause antagonism between smokers and non-smokers, or where non-smokers were friends with smokers, pressure on non-smokers to smoke. This study examines perceptions and beliefs about exiled smoking in 166 non-smoking workers. They saw smokers as having a work benefit not available to them, but otherwise they were generally not drawn to the activity. Half had joined smokers outside for breaks, but of these only one-third had ever smoked. Those who smoked reported that they did not have a regular pattern of joining the same group of smokers. Although it may provide a conduit for susceptible non-smokers to take up smoking, exiled smoking does not appear to influence those who are not otherwise vulnerable.