The effects of a number of steroids administered intra-articularly in a chronic model of fibrin-induced monoarticular arthritis in the rabbit have been investigated. Org 6216, hydrocortisone acetate, prednisolone tertiary butyl acetate and triamcinolone hexacetonide each suppressed the joint swelling produced 14 days after antigen challenge. These anti-inflammatory effects lasted for at least 7 days. Hydrocortisone semisuccinate was inactive in this model. In addition, the effects of the same compounds and several other anti-inflammatory steroids and indomethacin administered locally with adjuvant was assessed on the resultant paw oedema produced in the rat. The local anti-inflammatory activity, the duration of action and the systemic effects of these drugs varied considerably and only Org 6216, hydrocortisone acetate, prednisolone tertiary butyl acetate and indomethacin produced anti-inflammatory effects throughout the 4 days of the experiments and were devoid of significant adrenolytic and thymolytic activity.