Theoretical studies of the valence electronic states and the 1ΠuX1Σ+g absorption spectrum of the F2 molecule

The twelve electronic states of F2 dissociating into ground state F(2P) atoms have been investigated with ab initio polarization configuration interaction wave functions. Using a [3s2pld] contracted Gaussian basis, the theoretical spectroscopic constants (with experimental values in parenthesis) for the 1Σ+g ground state are: Re=1.427 Å (1.412 Å), De=1.85 eV(1.66 eV), ωe=946 cm−1 (924 cm−1), and ωexe=−10.6 cm−1 (−22.2 cm−1). The 3Πu state is also found to be very weakly bound (Re=1.881 Å, De=0.15 eV), while the remaining nine electronic states are strictly repulsive (aside from van der Waals minima). Molecular properties are reported for the 1Σ+g state and a detailed analysis of the 1Πu1Σ+g absorption is carried out. The 3Πu state appears to be the lower state in the 157 nm laser emission observed recently, which would correspond to the 23Πg→13Πu electronic transition.