Abstract— The photoreactivation rate of U.V. irradiated phages is decreased in u.v. irradiated bacteria. In contrast, the normal photoreactivation rate is observed if the irradiated bacteria are photoreactivated before phage infection. The decrease of the photoreactivation ratc is understood as a competing effect of the u.v. lesions in the bacterial nucleic acids for the photoreactivation enzyme. This competitive inhibition can be diminished not only by photoreactivation of the bacteria before phage infection but also by hostcell reactivation of the u.v. lesions in the bacterium. The results provide strong evidence that hostcell reactivation and photoreactivation revert the same u.v. photoproducts in bacterial nucleic acids. The experiments show that the hostcell reactivation enzyme is not induced by phage infection or by irradiation, but is normally present in the bacterial cell.