Influence de l'apport complémentaire de maïs, de pulpe de betterave ou de mélasse sur la valeur alimentaire d'un foin

The effects of a concentrate supplement on the digestibility of grass-hay and the substitution rate between this hay and the supplement were studied in sheep. In the 1st trial the substitution rates were higher for molasses (0.60) and lower for beet pulp (0.45). When soybean oil-meal was used to replace part of the energy supplement these substitution rates decreased. Hay digestibility was lowest with maize and close to that of hay given alone with molasses. When part of the supplement was replaced by soybean oil-meal, the differences in digestibility between hay given alone and the supplemented hay decreased. In 2 other trials the increase in the proportion of concentrates tended to decrease hay digestibility. N utilization with the different rations is given. Giving molasses before hay disturbed the intake: shorter meals, slower intake rates, delayed ruminating, probably because of an abrupt decrease in rumen pH right after molasses intake with an increased proportion of propionic acid. The rate of hay digestion decreased with maize intake. This may explain the lower digestibility of the hay fed with this supplement.

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