Preparative Cell Electrophoresis

A simple method is described for preparative cell electrophoresis. Solid glass beads (≃ 0.1 mm diameter) are used as packing material in a cylindrical glass column, the interstices of which contain a citric acid-phosphate buffer of pH 7.6 and 0.015 ionic strength. Cell mixtures containing ≃ 6 × 109 erythrocytes in 0.2 ml are electrophoresed at 25 V/cm for 1–2 hours after which the column contents are extruded and the separated cell fractions recovered. Complete separation was achieved between mixtures of human and chicken erythrocytes and untreated and papain-treated human erythrocytes. The electrophoretic mobilities of cells subjected to this procedure are in good agreement with previously published mobilities, obtained by microelectrophoresis.

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