Effect of Sweetener, Stabilizer, and Storage Temperature on Ice Recrystallization in Ice Cream

In ice cream manufacturing, control of ice crystal growth,through,proper formulation,and storage tem- perature is important,for stability during storage. The objective of this study was,to investigate the influence of sweetener (sucrose, 20 dextrose equivalent corn syrup, 42 dextrose equivalent corn syrup, and 42 high fructose corn syrup), with and without stabilizer, on ice recrystallization in ice cream,at three storage temperatures. The relationship between,thermal,and physical properties and ice recrystallization rate was also studied. Mean size of ice crystals increased to the one-third power,as storage,time,increased. Recrystallization rate increased,as temperature,increased,, amount,of frozen water. Recrystalli- zation rate did not depend,uniformly,on the difference between,storage,temperature,and,apparent,glass transition temperature,for all ice creams; specific ef- fects of sweetener,and,stabilizer were,observed. Stabilizer generally inhibited recrystallization, but some,samples,showed,greater effects than,others. ( Key words: recrystallization, formulation, storage temperature, ice cream) Abbreviation key: CS = corn syrup, DE = dextrose