Evaluation of optimal duration of chemotherapy in favorable-prognosis disseminated germ cell tumors: a Southeastern Cancer Study Group protocol.

Four courses of PVP16B (cisplatin plus etoposide [VP-16] plus bleomycin) has been standard chemotherapy for disseminated germ cell tumors at Indiana University and the Southeastern Cancer Study Group (SECSG) since 1984. We began a random prospective phase III study in patients with favorable-prognosis (minimal and moderate extent) disseminated germ cell tumors comparing four courses of PVP16B over 12 weeks to the identical dose PVP16B administered in three courses over 9 weeks. The categories of minimal and moderate disease constitute approximately two thirds of all disseminated germ cell tumors that require chemotherapy. One hundred eighty-four patients entered this trial, and all patients have a minimal follow-up of 1 year. Overall, 106 of 107 (99%) minimal extent and 73 of 77 moderate patients (95%) achieved an initial disease-free status (NED), confirming the favorable prognostic categories. Eighty-six of 88 patients (98%) randomized to three courses and 93 of 96 randomized to four courses (97%) of PV...